One of the most amazing and shocking movies i watched this year...
"After being bullied at school, 12-year-old Shaun comes across a small band of Skinheads lead by Woody , a charismatic and benevolent teenager who befriends the boy immediately. Bringing him into the fold as one of their own, Woody quickly initiates Shaun as a Skinhead to the dismay of his widowed mother. Having lost his father in the Falklands War, Shaun gleefully embraces his new found friends until the group is split with the arrival of Combo, an older, nationalist skinhead just released from prison..."
"After being bullied at school, 12-year-old Shaun comes across a small band of Skinheads lead by Woody , a charismatic and benevolent teenager who befriends the boy immediately. Bringing him into the fold as one of their own, Woody quickly initiates Shaun as a Skinhead to the dismay of his widowed mother. Having lost his father in the Falklands War, Shaun gleefully embraces his new found friends until the group is split with the arrival of Combo, an older, nationalist skinhead just released from prison..."
2 Kommentare:
den gucken wir gerade im englisch-unterricht... ich find ihn bedrückend.
er ist bedrückend.
aber trotzdem super ;)
also meiner meinung nach...
wir hatten hier im Kino auch ziemlich viele Schulvorstellungen ^^
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